October/November 2021 | online
To pre-register click here
The OpenHeritage Training Programme, developed and carried out by Eutropian and Platoniq, is aimed at professionals (e.g. city officials, experts and stakeholders from out of the EU, but also outside the EU) involved in the issues of heritage protection and adaptive reuse. Topics covered in the trainings include heritage reuse, finance, governance, community involvement and territorial impact.
The five OpenHeritage Trainings will be held every 2 weeks starting on 19th of October 2021, from 4.30pm-7pm*. The trainings will be held online.
The training units can be attended separately. By completing all five trainings, participants will receive a certificate.
To stay up to date and receive the latest information about the trainings people can pre-register for the trainings via this link.
*Dates (subject to change):
19.10.2021, 4.30-7pm
02.11.2021, 4.30-7pm
16.11.2021, 4.30-7pm
30.11.2021, 4.30-7pm
14.12.2021, 4.30-7pm
For more information you can visit the following websites: OpenHeritage, Eutropian and Platoniq.