17-18 May 2022 | Ghent, Belgium & online streaming
OpenHeritage and the University of Ghent invited everyone interested in how policies can support adaptive reuse of cultural heritage for a Policy Conference “Bottom-up driven adaptive heritage reuse: policies and practices”. The one-day event focused on providing a multi-faceted understanding of different policies that can support bottom-up initiatives in pursuing adaptive reuse processes. It introduced and provided a framework for discussion in various aspects of policy provisions, concentrating on the topics of inclusive business models, partnership options and the economic role of SMEs in this process. Additionally, leveraging the learning of OpenHeritage, it provided input for the EU and national policy makers about the opportunities in policymaking.
The event took place in Ghent, with the possibility to join online. For more information, click here.
Watch the recordings from the conference
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Please find the general agenda below or a more detailed one here, including descriptions of all sessions.


Prof. Dr Christian Ost, President of the Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation at K.U.Leuven
Speaker at the keynote discussion (9:10-9:50) Changing heritage governance.

Prof. Dr Koen Van Balen, Director at Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation at K.U.Leuven.
Speaker at the keynote discussion (9:10-9:50) Changing heritage governance.

Dr Ugo Guarnacci, Project Adviser at European Research Executive Agency (REA), European Commission.
Speaker at the keynote discussion (9:10-9:50) Changing heritage governance.

Dr Hanna Szemző, Managing Director at Metropolitan Research Institute, OpenHeritage Coordinator.
Host of the opening and welcome address and moderator of the workshop (13:45-15:15) Formal and informal partnerships.

Andrea Tönkő, Program Manager at Metropolitan Research Institute, OpenHeritage Coordinator.
Moderator of the workshop (13:45-15:15) Formal and informal partnerships.

Tiffany Fukuma, Managing Director of Trans Europe Halles, a Sweden-based international network of 140 grassroots arts and culture centres established in repurposed buildings, in 40 countries across Europe and beyond.
Speaker in the workshop (13:45-15:15) Formal and informal partnerships.

Emma Tytgadt, Former REFILL coordinator, City of Ghent.
Speaker in the workshop (13:45-15:15) Formal and informal partnerships.

Dóra Mérai, Lecturer at Central European University, Pomáz Lab.
Speaker in the workshop (13:45-15:15) Formal and informal partnerships.

Elena de Nictolis, Post-doctoral researcher at Georgtown University EJP, ACT Lab.
Speaker in the workshop (13:45-15:15) Formal and informal partnerships.

Dr Daniela Patti, Managing Director at Eutropian.
Moderator of the panel discussion (9:50-11:00) ‘Understanding each other’ municipalities and bottom-up initiatives. Showcasing ways of cooperation.

Levente Polyak, Managing Director at Eutropian.
Moderator of the panel discussion (9:50-11:00) ‘Understanding each other’ municipalities and bottom-up initiatives. Showcasing ways of cooperation.

Michał Olszewski, Deputy Mayor of Warsaw.
Speaker in the panel discussion (9:50-11:00) ‘Understanding each other’ municipalities and bottom-up initiatives. Showcasing ways of cooperation.

Peter Vanden Abeele, City Architect of Ghent.
Speaker in the panel discussion (9:50-11:00) ‘Understanding each other’ municipalities and bottom-up initiatives. Showcasing ways of cooperation.

Astrid De Bruycker, Alderman for Equal Opportunities, Welfare, Participation, Neighbourhood Work and Public Greenery at the City of Ghent.
Speaker in the panel discussion (9:50-11:00) ‘Understanding each other’ municipalities and bottom-up initiatives. Showcasing ways of cooperation.

Anna Inglés, Canòdrom, Barcelona.
Speaker in the panel discussion (9:50-11:00) ‘Understanding each other’ municipalities and bottom-up initiatives. Showcasing ways of cooperation.

Rui Bochmann Franco, Deputy City Councillor at Lisbon City Council, CLLD network Lisbon.
Speaker in the panel discussion (9:50-11:00) ‘Understanding each other’ municipalities and bottom-up initiatives. Showcasing ways of cooperation.

Evi Swinnen, Coordinator at Timelab Ghent.
Speaker in the panel discussion (9:50-11:00) ‘Understanding each other’ municipalities and bottom-up initiatives. Showcasing ways of cooperation.

Martin Hulse, Heritage & Culture Project Manager at Tyne & Wear Buildings Preservation Trust.
Speaker in the panel discussion (9:50-11:00) ‘Understanding each other’ municipalities and bottom-up initiatives. Showcasing ways of cooperation.

Hanne Van Gils, Scientific collaborator in the Centre for Mobility and Spacial Planning at the University of Ghent.
Moderator of the workshop (13:45-15:15) The role of SMEs in adaptive reuse.

Dr Ruba Saleh, Lecturer and researcher at ICHEC Brussels Management School.
Speaker in the workshop (13:45-15:15) The role of SMEs in adaptive reuse.

Pietro Elisei, Director and Founder of URBASOFIA.
Speaker in the workshop (13:45-15:15) The role of SMEs in adaptive reuse.

An Eijekelenburg, Architect at Miss Miyagi Placemaking.
Speaker in the workshop (13:45-15:15) The role of SMEs in adaptive reuse.

Katarzyna Sadowy, Assistant professor at Warsaw School of Economics, Head of OW SARP team in the OpenHeritage project, Praga Lab.
Speaker in the workshop (13:45-15:15) The role of SMEs in adaptive reuse.

Maciej Czeredys, Deputy director at Orkiestra Sinfonia Varsovia, Praga Lab.
Speaker in the workshop (13:45-15:15) The role of SMEs in adaptive reuse.

Joep de Roo, Director at Eurodite.
Moderator of the discussion (11:20-12:20) Inclusive business models for adaptive reuse.

Rolf Novy-Huy, Director at Trias Foundation.
Moderator of the discussion (11:20-12:20) Inclusive business models for adaptive reuse.

Steven D’Haens, Social entrepreneur at Symbiosis SON.
Speaker in the discussion (11:20-12:20) Inclusive business models for adaptive reuse.

Irina Leca, Freelance cultural heritage expert at Eurodite.
Speaker in the discussion (11:20-12:20) Inclusive business models for adaptive reuse.

Niklas Kuhlendahl, Mietergenossenschaft Selbstbau.
Speaker in the discussion (11:20-12:20) Inclusive business models for adaptive reuse.

Dr Loes Veldpaus, Lecturer Architecture and Urban Planning at Newcastle University.
Moderator of the policy reflection (16:00-17:00) Policy implications on an EU and national level.

Mariachiara Esposito, National expert at DG EAC, Culture Policy Unit, European Commission.
Speaker in the policy reflection (16:00-17:00) Policy implications on an EU and national level.

Sara Vermeulen, Heritage Policy Officer at Flanders Heritage Agency.
Speaker in the policy reflection (16:00-17:00) Policy implications on an EU and national level.

Katarina Maksimov, Architect at the Institute for the protection cultural monuments of Novi Sad, Serbia.
Speaker in the policy reflection (16:00-17:00) Policy implications on an EU and national level.