The Project Deliverables for download:

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The document provides an overview about the work to be conducted in WP1, which focuses on creating a good macro level overview policies and regulations influencing adaptive reuse in Europe today.

The document provides an overview about the work to be conducted in WP2, which focuses on the in-depth analysis of 16 micro level cases (Observatory Cases).

Cooperative Heritage Labs (WP4) function as unique places to develop and test OpenHeritage’s inclusive management modell. This document provides an overview about the steps in WP4, which guide the work.

This document plans and directs the project’s activities to ensure sharing of the project’s knowledge as well as the dissemination and uptake of the OpenHeritage model of inclusive heritage re-use.

The document summarizes the activities and outcomes of the Inception period of OpenHeritage, running from June to November 2018. It is focusing on the project’s progress in the first six months, summarizing the project’s main activities for the period.mination and uptake of the OpenHeritage model of inclusive heritage re-use.

WP 5 develops a toolbox that provides support both for the implementation of the inclusive model of adaptive heritage reuse, and for the long-term management of heritage sites in sustainable manner. This document outlines how this is to be conducted.

The document outlines the complex evaluation process which will guide the comparison of macro and micro level analysis, and and prepares the methodological ground for the transferability matrix.

This document is the collection of the Local Action Plans (LAPs) created by the six Cooperative Heritage Labs. The LAPs play a crucial role in guiding both the development, and the diversified stakeholder and community engagement of the CHLs in following two years.

Mapping of Current Heritage Re-use Policies and Regulations in Europe

This report presents the interim findings of Work Package 1, examining heritage and other relevant policy and funding in fifteen countries across Europe.

The collection of 16 Observatory Cases explore existing practices of adaptive heritage re-use providing a micro-level analysis in the multi-level analytical framework of OpenHeritage.

The document creates a typology of national adaptive reuse policies, and underlines the connection between the differences and their embeddedness into the socio-economic and institutional framework of a particular country.

This is a shortened and edited analysis of European heritage policies, without the detailed country overviews of the report on European adaptive reuse policies.

The progress report analyses the different development trajectories of OpenHeritage’s six Cooperative Heritage Labs in the time span between May, 2019 and September, 2020. 

The report provides a comprehensive overview of successful adaptive heritage reuse models in Europe with a focus on mechanisms that enable and support civic initiatives and how they come to realize their social added value.

The document containts the six updated local actions plans that provide a guidance for the Cooperative Heritage Labs following the interim assesment

The report analyses in-depth the 16 different Observatory Cases, creating a nuanced overview along the lines of the 3 OH pillars and the role of inclusion in the reported sites.

The report systematically analyses models in the OCs that have already been pointed out as promising in the case study descriptions (D2.2) as well as in the comparative analysis (D2.4).

The report outlines the process of how the Observatory Case videos were produced.

The paper provides guidelines for stakeholder integration in adaptive heritage reuse. It extracts ideas from Observatory Cases (OC) and reflects on the work done in the Labs in order to derive recommendations.

The report summarizes methodological issues related to crowdsourcing and provides step-by-step guidelines on how to launch a crowdsourcing project. It explains how to build a community of interested individuals ready to work towards a specific aim.

The report is written as a practical guide, diving deep into practical considerations that are relevant when setting up or managing an inclusive project. It also describes some background ideas and various models that may be useful to apply when assesing the general context.

The report shares a series of policy recommendations for upscaling and multiplying good practices, suggesting an EU-level roadmap able to promote innovative approaches to the adaptive reuse of heritage. Key challenges and their impact on adaptive heritage reuse are considered, as well as how adaptive heritage reuse can contribute to addressing these challenges.

The report presents the transferability matrix, which serves as a systematized overview of OpenHeritage’s findings. The report provides a concise view of the heritage cases examined by OpenHeritage and can help structure and evaluate strategies that target adaptive heritage reuse.

The report, using the experience of the OpenHeritage Labs, provides and illustrates blueprints for inclusive adaptive heritage reuse management models. While doing so, it also evaluates the ways the six OpenHeritage Labs worked.

The objective of this document is to first evaluate community involvement and multi-governance structures in the various observatory cases; in order to secondly come up with useful tools for the living labs and give input regarding their transferability. 


The interim report presents the results of the regional and territorial integration evaluation, which along with that of community, and resource integration form part of WP3’s evaluation process. It combines insights from the macro-level analysis of the regulatory institutional environment and of the micro-level analysis of adaptive reuse practices.


The report aims to understand how civic initiatives secure financing and other necessary resources when working towards reusing sites that are situated in marginalized urban or peripheral rural locations. The evaluation seeks to highlight practices and policies that have shown an innovative and successful integration of resources from various partners for civic purposes.

The report describes and generalizes the methodology followed by the Task Force for adaptation under other circumstances. The Task Force was introduced to support the six OpenHeritage Labs in developing inclusive governance and financial structures. 


As part of its aim to enhance community and stakeholder involvement OpenHeritage creates a “multi-purpose website” with a participatory platform – the Heritage Points – for the 6 Cooperative Heritage Labs. These Lab specific websites offer information about work and create a virtual space in which real collaborations with stakeholders and final participants can be achieved.


The report starts by analyzing the concepts of replicability and legacy, to situate the importance of context and learning when assessing the sustainability of developed structures and outcomes such as the OH digital platform and the features developed to adapt and customize the platform for the use of heritage communities.

The report presents a brief overview of the main project results


The report provides a blueprint for web-based training courses by introducing the OpenHeritage experience.


The six Cooperative Heritage Labs held their national workshops over the summer of 2022. The report introduces these events.

The report outlines four distinctive models, along which various adaptive heritage reuse initiatives can enhance regional cooperation, supporting the build up a more democratic and inclusive governance model.