Mapping of current heritage re-use policies and regulations in Europe
This part of the research focusses on the macro level analysis of policies and regulations around adaptive reuse of heritage buildings across Europe. We will do so based upon the countries involved (the fifteen countries with OCs and CHLs), as well as thematically. We will collate and analyse macro level data on heritage governance as well as economic models, including, for example, building regulations, heritage policies, community involvement, and funding mechanisms. Based on this, we will develop understanding of the institutional and regulatory context of adaptive heritage re-use across Europe.
We will thematically analyse these findings to highlight the main differences and similarities between national contexts, as well as indicate and illustrate bottlenecks and good practices, especially focussing on those operational in the (macro) policy and regulatory environment. We will look at how national context encourages (or discourages) adaptive reuse, community involvement, sustainable funding models, and the integration of heritage re-use processes into wider spatial frameworks.
We will employ these learnings to develop a typology of current approaches to adaptive re-use. This typology will categorize the various adaptive re-use practices. The results from the research will serve as a basis to the development of a database and toolbox (WP2, WP3, WP5) for the different regulatory environments, and connecting them to the examples of adaptive re-use illustrated by the Observatory Cases and the Collaborative Heritage Labs (WP2, WP3, WP4).
Our OpenHeritage typology is ready
It describes the policy and governance frameworks around adaptive heritage reuse Much of the current research on adaptive reuse reflects that it is mainly seen as a (design) practice. This research...