On Oct. 22, 2021 the “Brandenburger Baukulturpreis” was awarded to the Prädikow Project. This award is not only given under aspects of architecture but represents a sub-award for social qualities in architecture.
The jury of the „Brandenburgische Architektenkammer“honored the efforts of especially “Hof Prädikow e. V.”, together with Stiftung trias and SelbstBau eG, to transform an old barn, situated directly at the entrance of the manor, into a “welcome place” for visitors and villagers. Before thinking of their own flats and their own establishment at “Hof Prädikow” members of Hof Prädikow e. V. were aware of the fact, that they must create a link and an “open door” to the villagers. Otherwise, their project would simply be a “hip” project of newcomers, academics, and urbanists from Berlin without any inclusion into the existing social structure of the village of Prädikow. The Ministry of Family affairs supported this with a subsidy to ensure the barrier-free use of the building. Through this intervention a “living room” a “co-working space” a place for professional meetings as well as for parties has been created.