OpenHeritage Database is an open, easy to navigate and searchable repository of knowledge systematically collected in the project. It combines the in-depth analysis of heritage reuse policies and regulations in different European countries with the practical knowledge harvested across more than 20 local projects of heritage reuse. The database helps understand how the legal and institutional frameworks relate to the actual practice of adaptive reuse.

The OpenHeritage Database provides relevant information about:
- 16 Observatory Cases, including background information about the heritage sites and their local contexts as well as a detailed description of the reuse process in the form of a timeline.
- 6 Heritage Labs located in Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal and the UK, in which diverse management and financing tools and models are tested as a part of the OpenHeritage project.
- 15 Policy Reports, including information about heritage and planning policies as well as institutional and regulatory contexts in fifteen European countries.
But that’s not all! If the database users are interested in a specific topic related to heritage reuse, like crowdfunding and other financing tools, they can select it from the broad list of categories and keywords at the top of the page. All they have to do is drag and drop the selected keywords into a designated space and wait for the relevant content to pop up.
The database includes 10 main categories, like Community, Resources, Policies or Functions today, and over 50 keywords, like #co-ownership or #alternative funding. In addition, there are many visual materials in the database, like pictures, videos and maps, which nicely illustrate the collected information. And for those interested to dive deeper into the topic, there are many additional resources and outputs linked in the database.
Don’t wait up and check our Database now!