A selection of OpenHeritage documentaries will be featured as part of the Living the City exhibition, taking place Sept. 25 – Dec. 20, 2020 at the Berlin-Tempelhof Airport.
Living the Citytells over fifty stories from architecture, art, and city planning projects that reveal processes and possibilities for action in cities across Europe. The former airport will be transformed into a venue for city life for three months. In a walk-through urban collage, visitors will encounter a range of stories from people and projects that are actively involved in the city and civic society. These stories ask questions concerning fundamental activities like loving, living, making, participating, learning, playing, moving, and dreaming in the city. These are stories that shape and transform, that make you feel and think. Furthermore, a wide-ranging event and education program invites everyone to actively participate and contribute.

OpenHeritage will be part of the exhibition through a selection of Observatory Case documentaries. These documentaries are conceived to accompany and support the Observatory Case studies in a format that is more accessible and can reach a broader audience. They tell the story of each initiative through testimonies of their protagonists, highlighting the importance of both individual engagement and community spirit. The OC videos had been produced in the first 24 months of the OpenHeritage project. Produced by Eutropian’s Levente Polyak and Yilmaz Vurucu for Open Heritage, the documentaries selected for Living the City provide a detailed look into repurposed or reactivated urban heritage sites from across Europe.