26-28 October 2021 | online
Click here to register for the 9th Informed Cities Forum.
Informed Cities is a unique format that aims to bridge the gap between research, policy-making and action for better, more sustainable and just cities. It brings together thinkers, dreamers and doers in an unconventional cross-sectoral discussion about urban sustainability.
After a big success of the 7th edition of the Forum hosted in Warsaw by the OpenHeritage team, we are very excited to have an opportunity to experiment with this format again. We are convinced that this year’s edition organised under the title “RE-PURPOSE. RE-CHARGE- RE-THINK. Heritage and e-mobility at the crossroads” will be very special, and here is why.
💥 The Forum is organised not by one but two great projects! OpenHeritage collaborates closely with the GreenCharge project to deliver an exciting, interactive, and engaging event.
💥 This edition will shed light on cultural heritage and electric mobility. How are these topics related? How do they align? Can we have meaningful discussions that bring together experts from both fields? We are ready to be challenged and make it work, you will see!
💥 The 9th edition will be organised entirely online which creates a perfect opportunity to test and experiment with new virtual solutions, formats, and online tools. Are you ready to enter a virtual space full of interactions, vivid discussions, engaging tools and games, visualisations and creative solutions? You know what to do!
Interested? For more information and registration details click here. We hope to see you soon at the 9th Informed Cities Forum!