OpenHeritage’s third Consortium meeting took place on December 8-10, in Rome. Through work package reports, workshops and discussions it further explored how civic engagement and sustainability should play an even bigger role in adaptive heritage re-use. We have learned about two major deliverables created by OpenHeritage: the macro-level analysis on the European regulatory frameworks for adaptive heritage reuse, and the micro-level studies focusing on the nuts and bolts of this reuse process on the local level. To promote mutual learning one Observatory Case, the Navy Yard Project (NYP) was presented by Lisabeth Jansen (Manager of the Navy Yard Project) during the meeting.
The meeting also offered a chance to understand the issues and challenges surrounding OpenHeritage’s Rome Cooperative Heritage Lab. We visited the Centocelle, Alessandrino and Torre Spaccata Roman districts.
The tour ended at CooperACTiva, as co-op operating in the territory of the Rome Cooperative Heritage Lab, in collaboration with Luiss-LabGov, the City, and the Faro Heritage Community in Rome “Co-Roma”. Among others the CooperACTiva works on creating job opportunities strictly linked to green and sustainable tourism and connected to digital services promoting cultural initiatives. Inside the CooperACTiva we met the local actors and talked about the importance of a creating a strategic connection between re-use initiatives and cities’ needs; the significance of private actors’ efforts in renovating their buildings and developing public-private-community partnerships throughout capacity building.